The Flow Your Year is both a Wisdom Journal and a Planner that uses the system we use in the Feminine Wisdom Way to stay focused on what matters, stay fluid an open to be guided in co-creation with the Universe, and to achieve our dreams and intentions in a way in which we receive the support we need.
The structure marries the linear with the lunar, the conventional calendar with the natural rhythm and cycles of how the earth's energies shift. The result - when you harmonize your life - work, projects, health, wealth, relationships, dreams - with the natural cycles, everything in your life comes into a more natural and sustainable rhythm.
About how this journal is organized:
- 13 moon sections that take you through all of 2025 - with templates and blank pages.
- 4 power pauses (equinoxes and solstices) + 4 minor pauses - with templates, rituals and processes to pause, reflect, re-align and re-focus each quarter And 4 minor pauses to give love and attention to what matters most to you.
- Moonifesting guide at the end of the book with instructions on how to use moon cycles to plan, focus and co create
Some about the templates
- 13 calendars marrying the lunar and linear at the start of each moon cycle.
- 13 moon cycles align with the Feminine Super Power of the month.
- Templates for new moon oracle reading, for using the moon cycles to bring things into form, for choosing what you will focus your life force on to grow, maintain and let go for that cycle, and ending reflection.
- Templates for all power pauses at March and September Equinox and June Solstice.
We created this Wisdom Journal and Planner to be able to be your journal for the year as you are held in The Feminine Wisdom Way.
By purchasing this journal you will have everything in one place.
We are THRILLED with what came out of our intention to create this for you.
And can't wait to use the power of structure to really super power our capacity to create in the flow in 2025.
with great heart,
Christine & Katherine