The Feminine Wisdom Way Book: Super Powers for Living, Leading and Succeeding Differently.
We've been working for 7 years to get to this point where we could provide you all of the Feminine Super Power Wisdom Books in one place. We've streamlined and creating a consistent pattern for all of the 13 super powers so instead of printing them out monthly, you can have everything in one place.
- Wisdom teachings for each super power
- Self Assessment
- Wisdom Inquiry(s)
- Practices - Daily morning, Elevation, Co-Creation & Self-Expression
- Posters and Coloring Sheets
- Poems and other writings
The Feminine Wisdom Way Book is meant to be a book that works with your Wisdom Journal for the year. While you can write in the book, it's not designed to be a journal with lots of blank pages. It's meant to be a book that you can use during the year, and refer to for years to come.
We put lots of space in the FLOW YOUR YEAR Journal so you can journal on the Wisdom Inquiries.
A few notes:
We will be working with this version of the Feminine Super Powers for the next two years as it is. So next year, you will be able to use the same book. At that time we will assess if we need any edits, or listen for what the next form wants to be.
THIS IS ONLY AVAILABLE TO MEMBERS OF THE 2022 FEMININE WISDOM WAY, Full Feminine Super Power Year. Note: We will not ship this to anyone who is not currently a member of this level of the community
This will be available as a PDF for current members. We do this so that if you live outside of the US and the shipping is cost prohibitive, you can print it locally.
- You can order this in black and white or in full color. Each super power has a color frequency so we wanted to make the color option available to you.
- The book is very near the actual cost it takes to print this. The creation and production team of Christine, Katherine and Noah took the space to make this out of service to the community.
By purchasing this book you will have everything in one place.
We are THRILLED with what came out of our intention to create this for you.
It is the final piece in the 3 part Feminine Wisdom Way trilogy we intentionally set out to create about five years ago. This is a outcome of truly co creating the feminine wisdom way.
with great heart,
Christine & Katherine
Two Options for Ordering
1. Full Color - so you have the color frequency of each super power
2. Black and white with 13 Color Section Dividers - you put the color in yourself, except the color dividers which separate the sections.
- Double sided
- 233 pages
- Ring bound
- Card Stock Cover